yeeeeahhh so i get the shakes on the regular. SAY WORD.
Delirium tremens (colloquially, the DTs, "the horrors", "the fear", "the abdabs" or "the rats"; afflicted individuals referred to as "jitterbugs" in 1930s Harlem slang; literally, "shaking delirium" or "'trembling madness" in Latin) is an acute episode of delirium that is usually caused by withdrawal from alcohol, first described in 1813.[1][2] Benzodiazepines are the treatment of choice for delirium tremens.[3]
Delirium tremens is caused after a long period of drinking, stopping abruptly and experiencing withdrawal.
Constant consumption of alcoholic beverages (and the consequent chronic sedation) haha
"CHRONIC" causes a counterregulatory response in the brain in attempt to regain homeostasis.
constant consumption
yo - do you remember when lenny said 'constant conflict' all the time?
constant conflict, amy, constant conflict.