these dhoti pants make me wanna scream. (top picture - right hand side) back when i lived in france (marseille, aix-en-provence, paris) they were huge. this was 2007 son. into 2008. Marseille is probably one of the slowest most ass-backward place for steez and the bitches there were rockin dem shits. are you seriously tellin me that these things are gonna be cool this summer? you know what? my friend ingmar said the other day while we were all out at the bar that he doenst know a whole lot about fashion but he DOES NOT LIKE "this baggy pants thing" he goes, all these girls now are like, trying to rock baggy pants, and they just dont look good. they look like kinda like shit. (and ingmar is super super nice) and he goes, i think they're gonna realize that no guys are talking to them and they'll go back to skinny jeans.
i think girls are gonna start rocking these shits and then taking big shits. in their pants. and no one will ever know. cause they're one big fucking diaper and i am full of hate.
hahahah diaper pants!!! they must be banned ahahhah
djude ive seen the are wearin them now lookin like they elephantitis or something.
before i crap myself
all these skinny ass italian and spanish guys and girls keep pulling the baggy pant card here in florence, it ain't right when you are forced to tuck your pants into your socks. almost as bad as the dreaded mullet.
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