friday i took the day off and went to jones beach with kash, where we ate turkey sandwiches and i took off my top and made her feel uncomfortable. we put on 55 SPF so i continue to not get as tan as i would like... but, like, it's okay, cause my shit ain't no spring chicken.
then on saturday me, andrew and sara drove to new jersey at like 8 in the morning to meet up with simon, fil, sam, chelsea, tina, ian, and all these other amazing wonders of the earth at west long branch surf beach. the waves were mad strong and i kind of got annihilated multiple times. and i liked it. my H&M top was getting tossed too and i'd come up from my boogie board balls out - i mean... er.... haha - BOOBS out, and be all, UHHH, surry. (this is a family beach.) hahha
then we went to avon by the sea to this girl kiley's house (which was incredible. OMGOMG gorgeous beach house, wrap around porch, 22 kitchens, perfect lawn, perfect flowers, perfect tiled glass shower bathroom, all yellow and shining, perfect food, and the hostess was sooo soo nice) and there was a keg and vodka and tequila and BBQ food, vegetables, ice cream, and people who basically only wore J.CREW.
i really freakin love this t-shirt of andrew's. even though his ex-girlfriend gave it to him. haha, i kinda think it's the coolest.
my red jumpsuit was in full force. so forceful i had to attack. with force.
aww george and sara, sweeetss xxx
super happy
super romantic
wordems summa CREW
1 comment:
we ruled that house. we dominated it and made it cry with happiness.
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