you eat 1 dolla hollas from vanessa's dumplings on eldridge street with lauren!
and um, if you didnt know, another NO - FAIL recipe for not being crushed is hanging out with rock.
word sons, rock. do you know how much love i have for this dude? go to war for rock straight up. fam foreva.
so here i am all crushed and shit and ROCK magically appears out of NOWHERE like a dancing spray-paintin whimsical gnome from rochester and he makes EVERYthing all house of YES again. wtf, rock why is you so good.
hoookin up my ipod with the dopest tracks and drankin mad whiskey dranks. oh yes and of course i snuck a few bud light limes... such a guilty pleasure... gonna be the next best thing since fuckin joose. oh wait, nah... sparks, ahhhhh shit, shit was so good, they took that shit off the market.
check out these ill beats mothafuckas
sick works by rock
ps - im white
these pictures destroy all justice and authenticity of dankness to rock's paintings. straight up, but you get the idea.
15 days of fury.
everything rules again.
get these scribbles on boards ROCKO...good to see youve taken shit to the next level.. i smell ARTicle on ya some clients, pay some bills hehehe lazers! STAY WHITE AMY!
get these scribbles on some boards! good to see you've taken things to the next level ROCKO! i smell ARTicle on ya some clients, get some bills, pay some bills heheh lazers! STAY WHITE AMY!
get these scribbles on some boards. good to see you've taken things to the next level ROCKO! i smell ARTicle on ya some clients, get some bills, pay some bills heheh lazers! STAY WHITE AMY!
To my lovely of friend Miss Amy The Wolf.
How delightful you are my dear thanks for the shout out on the paintings and our good times.
I'm so glad I am coming back to the city so we can rage it out proper wolf pack style.
It was sooooo good to see you the other night. I have missed you dreadfully these last seven months-good food, good drink, good beats and good times. Its truly good to know the "wolf".
see you tonight dear call me when you out of work.
DR. Rockolee
p.s. good looks Alxeis Talking of of missing hanging out with someone. get on your aim and i got a google wave invite for ya as well
not only do i also know rock cause i went to college in rochester (small mothereffin world, wtf!?) but vanessa's is the best dumplings in this town
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